自由而无用的复旦校训的英文(Revisiting Fudan University’s Meaningless Motto of Freedom and Independ)

自由而无用的复旦校训的英文(Revisiting Fudan University's Meaningless Motto of Freedom and Independ)

1. Introduction

Fudan University, one of China’s top educational institutions, has a motto that has sparked controversy over the years. The phrase \”自由而无用\” (zìyóu ér wú yòng) has been translated to \”Freedom and Independence, Useless\” and has raised debates over its meaning, origins, and significance. In this article, we will explore the history and ideas behind this slogan, its relevance to Fudan University’s ethos, and why it’s an example of a meaningless motto.

2. The Origins and Meanings of Fudan’s Motto

Fudan’s motto was borrowed from a poem by a famous Chinese writer, Hua Luogeng, who had studied at and taught mathematics in Fudan. The full sentence is \”自由而毫无约束,*而绝对无用,\” which roughly translates to \”Freedom without any constraints, independence but absolutely useless.\” However, the University shortened it to the more concise \”自由而无用,\” which stripped it of its original nuance and became the controversial motto that’s used today. Some argue that the motto reflects the spirit of academic freedom and inquiry, where knowledge is sought for its own sake, and not for its practical application or usefulness. Others see it as a reflection of Confucian reluctance towards commercialism and material success, where learning for its own sake is perceived higher than the pursuit of wealth and power. However, the motto’s meaning remains ambiguous, as the \”uselessness\” of freedom and independence is not explicitly defined or explained.

自由而无用的复旦校训的英文(Revisiting Fudan University's Meaningless Motto of Freedom and Independ)

3. Fudan’s Embrace of the Motto

Fudan University has embraced the motto as one of its core values, and it’s displayed prominently on campus and in official publications. The University’s website states that \”Fudan has never been afraid of being labeled as ‘Useless,’” and that the motto represents their commitment to \”academic independence and social responsibility.\” Fudan’s supporters argue that it’s a unique motto that sets it apart from other universities that glorify utilitarianism, conformity, and pragmatism. However, some h*e criticized Fudan’s embrace of the motto as a form of symbolic resistance to the \”political correctness\” of the Communist Party of China (CPC). They argue that Fudan uses the motto to distance themselves from the Party’s emphasis on practicality and ideological conformity, and to assert their intellectual independence and autonomy. Others suggest that Fudan’s embrace of the motto is a cynical ploy to appeal to Western audiences who value intellectual freedom and critical thinking, while still conforming to CPC’s ideological orthodoxy.

4. Critiques of Fudan’s Motto

Fudan’s motto has faced a lot of criticism over the years for various reasons. Some argue that the motto is elitist and out of touch with the societal realities of China, where education is often seen as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. They argue that Fudan’s preoccupation with \”uselessness\” ignores the pressing social, economic, and political issues faced by China today, such as inequality, corruption, and environmental degradation.Others criticize Fudan’s motto as vague, abstract, and meaningless. They argue that the motto’s lack of clear meaning and purpose makes it difficult to understand or apply in practice. As a result, it’s seen as a hollow slogan that’s used more for branding and marketing purposes than actual guidance for action or policymaking. Finally, some argue that Fudan’s motto is hypocritical, as the University has engaged in commercial ventures, collaborations with the state, and censorship of dissenting voices. They argue that Fudan’s pursuit of academic freedom and independence is only skin deep, and that its commitment to social responsibility is more rhetorical than tangible.

5. Lessons from Fudan’s Motto

Fudan’s motto offers some important lessons about the nature and limits of academic freedom, as well as the role of universities in society. First, it highlights the importance of defining a clear and coherent vision for higher education, one that balances between intellectual curiosity and practical relevance.Second, it reminds us that academic freedom and independence are not absolute or unconditional, but are contingent on larger social and political contexts. Universities operate in a complex ecosystem of power relations, interests, and ideologies, and they must n*igate through them in ways that maintain their integrity and mission.Finally, Fudan’s motto teaches us that slogans and mottos are ultimately empty and meaningless unless they’re backed up by concrete actions and policies. Universities must not only preach what they believe in but also practice what they preach, by engaging in meaningful social and political challenges and by being accountable to the communities they serve.

自由而无用的复旦校训的英文(Revisiting Fudan University's Meaningless Motto of Freedom and Independ)

6. Conclusion

Fudan University’s motto of \”自由而无用\” (Freedom and Independence, Useless) reflects the University’s long history and unique identity, but it’s also a source of controversy, criticism, and confusion. While the motto may be inspiring and provocative, it’s ultimately a meaningless slogan that lacks a clear and practical purpose. Universities must not only embrace lofty principles and values but also live up to them in practice, by engaging in meaningful social and political changes and being accountable to the communities they serve.


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